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随着经济全球化的不断深入以及产品研发的不断创新,市场竞争日益激烈。企业为了维持稳定的发展,满足理论与实践共同发展的时代要求,发展企业核心竞争力十分必要。企业核心竞争力不仅包括研发、生产、加工等传统指标,而且包括在企业中时时刻刻影响着企业经营的管理哲学。海尔集团能在短短三十年间取得如今的成就,便是凭借其优秀的管理哲学。因此,探究海尔集团管理哲学在企业运营中产生的实践价值显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
为了进一步减少防洪损失、解决区域排水纠纷问题,在界定排水权内涵的基础上,研究得出排水权具有强制性、排他性、可交易性、可变性和紧迫性。利用WSR系统方法论构建了排水权分配的WSR分析框架,认为排水权的分配受物理因素、事理因素和人理因素的影响,并分析了多种因素在分配过程中的角色,进一步构建了排水权分配影响因素的指标体系。研究有利于实现排水权有效配置驱动因素的系统化、层次化梳理,为实现排水权的合理分配与防洪决策的进一步优化提供有效依据,对于保障防洪安全、实现社会公平与区域均衡发展具有重要的支撑作用。  相似文献   
对外直接投资对母国产业的技术创新具有反哺促进效应,但同时受资本要素市场扭曲的调节作用影响。本文运用2003~2016年的面板数据,设定双因素基准模型并进行东、中、西部地区分样本回归以检验资本要素市场扭曲对OFDI的技术创新的调节作用。结果发现:OFDI通过逆向技术溢出促进了母国的企业技术创新绩效。同时,资本要素市场扭曲抑制了OFDI反哺技术创新绩效的正向作用,且资本要素市场扭曲对OFDI的技术创新的调节效应存在地区差异性。因此,深化要素市场化改革,调整对外直接投资结构和优化营商环境,是实现OFDI协调发展以推动技术创新绩效提升的有效途径。  相似文献   
The issue of what to promote in total factor productivity (TFP) in urban areas has been widely discussed in academia and housing prices and population density are confirmed to be two of the most essential driving factors. However, research into the interaction of housing prices and population density with TFP has been neglected, with no previous studies taking spatial factors into consideration, which may bias the results. From this perspective, using spatial panel data models and employing instrumental variables to solve the endogenous problem, this study examines the impact of housing prices on TFP through the mediating effect of population density for 283 Chinese cities during the period 2000–2013, and confirms that the mediating effect accounts for 18.70 % of the total effect. The results show the positive and significant association of housing prices with TFP and the inverted U-shape of population density. The underlying logic is that housing prices change population density by attracting people with high purchasing power and discouraging those unable to afford housing, whereas increased density helps to promote productivity since the settled inhabitants always have highly developed work skills and are well educated. The influencing mechanism of housing prices on TFP through population density is analyzed, namely the spillover effect. We find that the spillover effect exists in the eastern and central regions, as well as first, second, and third tier cities, while for western regions and fifth tier cities, population mobility and increased in housing prices slows their economic development. There is no evidence of any spillover effect in fourth tier cities. A discussion and suggested policy implications are also provided.  相似文献   
农业物流生态圈作为一种先进的发展模式,可通过各子系统的相互协作达到双赢,解决传统农业发展面临的产业联动性差、技术水平低下、运营模式落后等问题,推动农业供给侧结构性改革。而考虑到农业物流生态圈涉及主体众多,其协同受多种因素共同作用,需要构建农业物流生态圈协同影响因素框架,以为农业物流生态圈协同研究提供指标体系。基于扎根理论这一质性研究方法,利用Nvivo11.0软件对访谈文本及相关文献资料进行深度分析,得到112个初始概念,进而由初始概念概括出39个范畴,提炼出15个副范畴,最终归纳出协同环境、协同机制、协同能力、协同意愿、扰动因素五个主范畴,形成农业物流生态圈协同影响因素框架。在这个框架中,协同环境可定义为外驱因素,协同机制、协同能力可定义为内驱因素,协同意愿可定义为中介因素,且各因素并非直接对农业物流生态圈产生影响,而是主要通过三条路径进行,其一是外驱因素→中介因素→农业物流生态圈协同,其二是内驱因素→中介因素→农业物流生态圈协同,其三是扰动因素对内驱因素和外驱因素进行调节。  相似文献   
传统天线组阵理论为了简化分析,均假设反正切相位鉴别器是一种最大似然估计器,其估计方差能够达到克拉美-罗下界。然而当相关信噪比在中等值以下时,这一假设条件不再适用。为此,分析了相关信噪比对相位估计性能的影响。针对传统天线组阵合成性能分析方法在描述低相关信噪比条件下相位估计性能方面存在的问题,通过引入修正因子,得到了相位估计方差的理论公式,实现了对低相关信噪比条件下相位估计性能的准确描述。  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a functional method to investigate how betas change over time in factor models. Based on the China A-share data, we drop the constant beta assumption in the CAPM and multi-factor models to estimate the time-varying betas directly from the functional data regression. The empirical results show that exposures to all risk factors have certain time-varying patterns in the Chinese A-share stock market.  相似文献   
"省直管县"改革一改以往"省-市-县"的管理模式,有助于提高县级政府的财政分权水平。为缓解内生性,将"省直管县"改革视为一项准自然实验,构建双重差分模型检验了财政分权对全要素生产率的因果效应。研究发现:①财政分权对全要素生产率的正向促进作用高于负面阻碍作用,但不同形式的分权影响有异质性,具体来说财权的下放有利于全要素生产率的提高,经济社会事务管理权限的下放则不利于。②当地方政府自主权提高时,其"重生产、轻服务"的支出偏好,使得当地基础设施供给增加,而能够增强地方软实力、加快创新要素集聚的公共服务供给相应减少,造成了全要素生产率的损失,导致在经济高质量高效益增长中政府"有形之手"的作用发挥不够。③随着改革的推进,财政分权对全要素生产率的正向作用逐渐减弱,并不再显著。据此,从合理划分省以下政府的事权与支出责任,充实基层政府财力;提高公共服务类指标在政府官员政绩考核中的权重,加强各县(市)政府间的合作,实现各自为政的地方经济向统一市场整合等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

The present study investigates how the most foundational factors to individual differences – personality traits and personal values – affect the perceived safety of genetic modification and their relative importance. Publicly available communication data from 522 Twitter accounts discussing genetically modified foods and their safety was processed in two steps. First, accounts were categorized by the researchers as viewing GM foods as either safe or not safe. Second, using the IBM Watson platform, the Twitter communication data were subjected to lexical analysis to assign scores according to the Five Factor Model for personality traits and Schwartz’s basic individual values to the individual accounts. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine how perceived GM food safety is linked to personality traits and individual values. Although both traits and values significantly contribute to explaining GM attitudes, personality traits strongly moderate the effect of individual values on risk perception.  相似文献   
[目的]弥补现有绩效观的不足,提出并解析了基于行为—结果—反馈的土地整治绩效评价内涵,开展粤西北山区"十二五"高标准农田建设绩效评价及低效因子诊断。[方法]从实施行为、效益结果、调查反馈3个方面建立指标体系,采用熵权改进的TOPSIS法和障碍度模型量化评估绩效水平并诊断低效因子。[结果]粤西北山区各县市在组织实施、综合效益和调查反馈方面各有不足,"十二五"高标准农田建设绩效水平总体有待进一步提高,绩效评价结果具有显著的区域差异,罗定市绩效值最高,绩效水平为良好;英德市、蕉岭县、南雄市、仁化县的绩效水平为中级;郁南县、龙川县、始兴县、云安县的绩效水平为低级;对于粤西北山区大多数县(市),实施行为作为首位低效因子,对高标准农田建设绩效的贡献度最小。[结论]基于行为—结果—反馈的绩效观,采用熵权改进的TOPSIS法和障碍度模型的绩效评价,能够客观衡量研究区高标准农田建设绩效水平。增加田间道路建设、提高土地流转面积、加强专项工作经费落实对于提高粤西北山区高标准农田建设水平具有普适性。  相似文献   
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